
    A Peep into the Lives of Jharkhand’s Parhaiya People

    Civil societyHuman rightsA Peep into the Lives of Jharkhand’s Parhaiya People
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    A Peep into the Lives of Jharkhand’s Parhaiya People

    Understanding the Parhaiya people’s viewpoints adds to the larger discussion on indigenous rights, cultural preservation, and the issues that must be resolved in order to guarantee a more equitable and inclusive future for all communities, including those that have historically been marginalized.

    By Nishad Sumed Ghodke

    The Paharias are a primitive tribal group of Jhankhand’s Santhal Parganas. They are extremely poor and backward on all human development indicators. Despite being one of the aboriginal people of Santhal region, Paharias are on the verge of extinction because of governmental apathy. The British had allotted them land, which they lost. The forest land, they had accessed for generations, has also been usurped by the successive governments.

    A peep into the lives of the Parhaiya people of Jharkhand provides important insights into the daily struggles, cultural practices, and aspirations of this distinct tribal group. Jharkhand, in India’s east, is home to a variety of indigenous communities, each with its own unique culture and way of life. The Parhaiya people stand out among these groups as an essential component of the state’s complex cultural fabric.

    The history, customs, and hardships of the Parhaiya community reveal the complexity of their tribal past as well as the current difficulties they encounter in a rapidly changing world. Research opportunities help us learn more about their socioeconomic dynamics, cultural practices, and interactions with a sociopolitical environment that is fast changing. We are better able to comprehend the Parhaiya people’s place in the socioeconomic structure of the area by learning more about their daily routines, beliefs, and aspirations.

    There is a body of research that stresses the importance of safeguarding indigenous cultures, promoting sustainable development, and developing inclusive policies that respect the rights and requirements of tribal populations like the Parhaiya people. A variety of approaches and technologies used to understand the community with accuracy, sensitivity, and inclusion – from in-depth interviews to immersive participant observation – help bring out the relationship of the Parhaiya community with their environment.

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    Indigenous rights

    Understanding the Parhaiya people’s viewpoints adds to the larger discussion on indigenous rights, cultural preservation, and the issues that must be resolved in order to guarantee a more equitable and inclusive future for all communities, including those that have historically been marginalized.

    Dealing with the many issues that Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group (PVTG) communities face calls for an all-encompassing and community-centred strategy. Diverse tactics can support their well-being and empowerment, from encouraging sustainable livelihoods to guaranteeing access to necessary services like education, health care, and clean water. Partnerships between regional communities, governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, and the corporate sector are crucial to bringing forest produce and traditional knowledge into mainstream commerce. Similar to this, reducing the effects of migration on employment and opportunity gaps requires a focus on economic development, skill development, infrastructure improvements, and regulatory changes.

    Enhancing educational, medical, and transportation infrastructure in PVTG areas calls for specialized solutions, such as culturally appropriate curricula, community health professionals, and better connection. Transparency, capacity building, community involvement, and efficient monitoring are required to address problems with NREGA and SBM(G) implementation.

    While issues like poor water quality continue, remedies include water source protection, treatment, hygiene education, and community involvement. Recognizing that any solution must be customized to the distinct cultural, social, and economic circumstances of PVTG communities, putting their needs and ambitions at the forefront, is essential.

    It is feasible to elevate PVTG communities and guarantee their proper place in the larger development landscape by creating collaborations, utilizing cutting-edge technologies, and adhering to sustainable practices. Collaboration, sensitivity to their cultural heritage, and a dedication to sustainable and inclusive advancement are the keys to moving forward.

    Nishad Sumed Ghodke is a third year undergraduate student of Hansraj College, University of Delhi. This piece has been extracted from her internship report sublimated as part of the Abhijit Sen Research Internship programme of the National Foundation for India (NFI).

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