
    Tag:El Niño

    Indian Ocean Temperature Index Signals Dengue Outbreaks

    An Indian Ocean basin-wide index is possible predictor of dengue outbreaks, scientists say, arguing that higher surface temperature of the ocean can alter weather...

    Century’s First “Triple-Dip” La Niña Likely Say Meteorologists

    All naturally occurring climate events now take place in the context of human-induced climate change, which is increasing global temperatures, exacerbating extreme weather and...

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    Worse Than Genocide: Killing Truth

    Today the decency and moral outrage of millions of US youth is being slandered by ranting propagandists like MS-NBC’s...
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    Algorithms Should Not Control What People See: António Guterres

    While launching the global principles for information integrity, the UN Secretary-General outlined the need to make information spaces safer while...

    Moody’s Predicts Harsh Years Ahead as Climate Change Exacerbates Water Stress

    Saying that water shortages will reflect in paucity of water for irrigation, the report says both, agriculture and industry...

    Must read

    Worse Than Genocide: Killing Truth

    Today the decency and moral outrage of millions of...

    Algorithms Should Not Control What People See: António Guterres

    While launching the global principles for information integrity, the...