

    UN Highlights Afghan Women’s Concerns at Doha Meeting

    The consultations follow talks in May 2023 and February 2024 and build upon the proposals outlined in an independent review on an integrated and...

    Human Rights Violations and Abuses Have Multiplied Under the Taliban, Says UN Report

    The report points to the erosion of women's rights and the emergence of extrajudicial killings in the one year since the Taliban took over...

    Swara Kills, Says Young Pakistani Bride

    Swara, also known as Vani and Budla-i-sulh, is dispute resolution method where women and girls are given in marriage or servitude to an aggrieved...

    Gulabi Sambad: Discussing What Needs Discussion

    One podcast hopes to provide a safe, open space for young people in Nepal to talk about menstruation, consent, and sexual and reproductive health.  By...

    Girls’ Performance In Maths ‘Starting To Add Up To Boys’, Says UNESCO

    This year’s Global Education Monitoring Report brought out by UNESCO has documented an interesting, refreshingly new trend – of school-going girls covering the gender...

    Islamic Religious leaders Urge Taliban to Reopen all Girls’ Schools

    The conference was organised by the Mutahida Shariat Mahaz, a network of religious leaders and scholars from all Islamic sects from across the country...

    Afghanistan’s Girls’ Education is a Women’s Rights Issue

    The right to education has been an oft-discussed, critical human rights issue for Afghanistan, especially when it comes to how, or even if, this...

    UN Security Council Expresses ‘Deep Concern’ Over Restrictions in Afghanistan

    The members of the Security Council stressed the importance of efforts by the international community to support Afghanistan, including on education. In a statement released...

    Latest news

    In the Lok Sabha: Government Highlights Weather and Climate Preparedness Initiatives

    A state-of-the-art Earth System Model (ESM), developed by the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, is generating regional climate projections.
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    UNODC Global Human Trafficking Report: Victims Up 25 Per Cent; Children Exploited; Forced Labour Cases Spike

    The Report records a 25 per cent increase in the number of trafficking victims detected globally in 2022 compared to 2019 pre-pandemic figures. Between 2019 and 2022, the global number of victims detected for trafficking for forced labour surged by 47 per cent.

    India Bangladesh Relations on the Edge?

    One must acknowledge and accept that India went overboard in its support for the government under Sheikh Hasina at the cost of ignoring all others.

    Must read

    In the Lok Sabha: Government Highlights Weather and Climate Preparedness Initiatives

    A state-of-the-art Earth System Model (ESM), developed by the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, is generating regional climate projections.

    UNODC Global Human Trafficking Report: Victims Up 25 Per Cent; Children Exploited; Forced Labour Cases Spike

    The Report records a 25 per cent increase in the number of trafficking victims detected globally in 2022 compared to 2019 pre-pandemic figures. Between 2019 and 2022, the global number of victims detected for trafficking for forced labour surged by 47 per cent.