In this second part, Naazir Mahmood recounts, through his father's eyes, the two tumultuous decades between 1960 and 1980, that revolve around the government's...
I am left with so much uncertainty and confusion about my academic as well as career path. Even teachers are unaware and uninformed about the structure and the entry-exit system provided by NEP.
Instead of investing $36 billion in LNG plants, the money could be used to develop 62 GW of renewable energy, more than double the country’s current total electricity generation capacity.
Afghanistan's Ministry of Borders, Ethnicities, and Tribes has reported that it has identified all the challenges faced by residents along the Durand Line.
I am left with so much uncertainty and confusion about my academic as well as career path. Even teachers are unaware and uninformed about the structure and the entry-exit system provided by NEP.
Instead of investing $36 billion in LNG plants, the money could be used to develop 62 GW of renewable energy, more than double the country’s current total electricity generation capacity.