

    Ministry of Education Issues Advisory to ensure RTE Entitlements to Children with Special Needs

    The aim is to ensure the NEP 2020 objective of providing access to quality education for all, including children with special needs, thereby realising...

    Educating the Mind Without Educating the Heart is No Education at All

    By Yasmine Sherif The words above, by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, serve as a reminder that we still have a long way to go...

    Status of Higher Education in India – What does Government Data Say?

    Although in absolute terms the budget allocations have grown after the introduction of the New Education Policy in 2020, the rise in the total...

    Nepal PM Prachanda Concerned About Money Outflow for Higher Education

    The Prime Minister was addressing the inauguration programme of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) – North Zone Vice Chancellors' Meet 2024 and the...

    How Afghan Women Connect and Learn in the Face of Taliban Restrictions

    Social media has become a lifeline for many women and girls in Afghanistan but not all can afford it. The prevalence of social media usage...

    Cooperative Farming Makes Bangladesh’s Coastal Women Farmers Climate-Resilient

    Bangladeshi women cooperative farmers underwent training and support on climate-tolerant agricultural practices, which helped them cope with the adverse consequences of extreme weather events...

    PM-SHRI Yojana for Development and Upgradation of Schools Announced

    More than 14,500 schools across the country will be developed as PM-SHRI Schools, the Prime Minister announced on the occasion of teachers’ day on...

    NFHS 5: Why the Headlines Cheering Low Fertility Rate in India are Misleading

    Perhaps the only thing worth paying attention to in the TFR story is that the overall decline has been championed and led by Muslim...

    Latest news

    Worse Than Genocide: Killing Truth

    Today the decency and moral outrage of millions of US youth is being slandered by ranting propagandists like MS-NBC’s...
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    Algorithms Should Not Control What People See: António Guterres

    While launching the global principles for information integrity, the UN Secretary-General outlined the need to make information spaces safer while...

    Moody’s Predicts Harsh Years Ahead as Climate Change Exacerbates Water Stress

    Saying that water shortages will reflect in paucity of water for irrigation, the report says both, agriculture and industry...

    Must read

    Worse Than Genocide: Killing Truth

    Today the decency and moral outrage of millions of...

    Algorithms Should Not Control What People See: António Guterres

    While launching the global principles for information integrity, the...