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    What One Radio Show And One Strong Woman Can Do

    Ramkali Mahato, a young woman leader from Nepal’s Terrai plains, uses her position of leadership to speak out against domestic violence in a community...

    India’s Female Representation Bill Is Still Seated

    It has been 25 years since the Women’s Reservation Bill — a constitutional amendment proposing that 33 per cent of seats in India’s central...

    Millet Seeds Power Fight Against Hunger

    The Odisha Millets Mission aims at strengthening the livelihoods and food security of smallholder farmers by encouraging them to adopt the climate-resilient crop and,...

    Discrimination, Debt and Depression: Delhi’s Transgender people through COVID-19

    A sense of trepidation hung wordlessly in the air as volunteers milled around corridors when Aarohan’s doors reopened for staff, volunteers and members of...

    Afghanistan’s Girls’ Education is a Women’s Rights Issue

    The right to education has been an oft-discussed, critical human rights issue for Afghanistan, especially when it comes to how, or even if, this...

    Poor Data Hamstrings Gender Equity Reporting in India

    Achieving gender equity is a major development challenge facing countries such as India. The sex ratio — the ratio of the number of females...

    Four among 25 Sri Lankan university students say they have been sexually harassed, even raped, says study

    A report released Tuesday on ragging and sexual and gender based violence in Sri Lankan State universities highlights grave consequences young women face in...

    Reliable internet unavailable for 90 per cent of poorest

    Only one in ten people have ‘meaningful connectivity’ to fully benefit from the internet, a recent report says, iterating that women’s web exclusion cost...
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    Latest News

    Bangladesh Garment Workers must Receive Rights-Based Compensation and Justice Immediately: Amnesty International

    Garment workers are paid poverty wages and face innumerable obstacles including harassment, intimidation and violence, as well as legal hurdles when...

    Attacks Target Afghanistan’s Hazaras

    Like the previous Afghan government, Taliban authorities have not taken adequate measures to protect Hazaras and other communities at risk or provide...

    Developing Asia and the Pacific Unprepared for Challenges of Aging Population

    The number of people aged 60 and older in developing Asia and the Pacific is set to nearly double...

    Must read

    Bangladesh Garment Workers must Receive Rights-Based Compensation and Justice Immediately: Amnesty International

    Garment workers are paid poverty wages and face innumerable obstacles including...

    Attacks Target Afghanistan’s Hazaras

    Like the previous Afghan government, Taliban authorities have not taken adequate measures...
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